Saturday, June 27, 2009

RIP Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett

As a sign of respect, I decided to put this in another new post. Because its rude to talk about death when you've just complained about COM 488 and gushed about the GSS.

RIP Mr Michael Jackson.
Though you're kinda weird in your own ways, but I guess this is what makes rock stars and legends rock stars and legends. Appreciated your music...and I still remember that my kindergarten graduation performance used "Billie Jean" as music. And till now, I do listen to your music...thou its the remixed version of "Billie Jean". It was a sudden way to go, but rest assured that the world won't forget you and the legacy you left behind (just look at Chris Brown and Adam G. Sevani).

RIP Farrah Fawcett
I don't know much about you till ET literally spammed their news with your condition some time back. It was a good battle, so there's nothing to be ashamed of when you go. Charlie's Angels was famous because of you, and I hope you're proud of it.