Monday, August 09, 2010

Happy 45th Birthday, Singapore

So Elena just wished me a Happy National Day. And I was telling her that I don't feel it(yeah, I know its a public holiday that makes a huge difference for some people, but I'm on school break now so its nothing much for me).

Really, all I see are ALOT of flags around. Big deal. And I don't even know what's the theme song for National Day this year. I think its something about brothers and sisters that Corinne May sang (no offense to her, I like her songs)...heck I can't even be sure that that's the theme itself since I don't hear it much. Congrats to the YOG people, your theme song has so much airplay that I have better recall of it than the Corrine May song (ok, I think I've studied too much cos I'm now thinking of brand awareness in public relations), may you also experience the same success for the games.

And apparently this feeling is the same for others too. My sister told me that the school read the same speech in 4 languages (AGAIN! Can you imagine the boredom!? I understand the appreciation for racial understanding and I'm definitely pro racial harmony, but the hearing a speech 4 times is just...just too terrible. What, did they think student's didn't understand English?). Then they had some performance and early dismissal. Rigghhhhht, and I thought that people in government schools would probably feel the festivities.

But well, I'm not trying to rant, just saying.
Happy Birthday Singapore. :)